A Woman with the Winning Edge

It’s Mother’s Day! When we discuss mothers, everyone has their definition of what a mother is. However, in the very beginning, when Eve came into the picture after God had made her from Adam He says, ‘She shall be called Eve, mother of the living’. She had not birthed any physical children at that time but it was declared and spoken over her that she would be the mother of the living. When the enemy came into the picture, the enemy came to fight that. It came against that identity. A Woman who is in Christ makes the gates of hell shake. A woman who knows her God, it says, ‘Shall be strong and do exploits.’ She is a woman to be praised, and let her own works give glory to God.

What is the definition of a mother? Is it limited to just women who give birth to children? Absolutely not; it is more than that. There was something planted in the woman’s DNA from the world’s creation to be nurturers, to be encouragers, to be motherly, to have that motherly role, which supersedes giving birth to children. For every woman reading this, you have that DNA of a mother in you. Praise the Lord.

I urge you to celebrate yourself, whether you have given birth to physical children or not. Leaders are people who influence others. If you have children around you, you can influence them for Christ. You have the power of God, and you can speak over that child. You can mother that child, even though she may not have come from your loin, or you may not have given birth to her. You have the power of God in you.

Motherhood goes beyond just being a mother; it’s about your true identity, i.e., who you are in Christ. There has been so much attack against women, against mothers throughout the years. It is the enemy, of course, targeting us, to limit and squeeze the woman so that she does not become all that God intends her to be. However, a woman who knows her identity is not strictly in mothering, but it is in who God has made her to be is a powerful force. She is a woman with a supernatural advantage, i.e., The Winning Edge.

There are diverse opinions and perspectives around what is expected to be the role of women in society. Some say women or mothers are meant to be in the kitchen or only limited to their family name or their marriage name. No, it is much bigger, much more abiding than that. The Bible makes us understand (Ephesians 2:6) that He made us sit together in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers. Your rightful position is seated with Him in the heavenly places, i.e., beside the Father, and that comes with power, that comes with rights. John chapter 1 verse 12 tells us that as many as received Him, He gave power to be called sons of God. Another version says we have power, we have authority. These are privileges that come with being called a child of God. So, your identity is being a child, and from that, you have this unwavering strength, this empowering ability to flow out and nurture and be a blessing to children around.

Motherhood is an overflow of our identity in Christ. It is an overflow of our identity, our reality in Christ Jesus. Proverbs 31:1 will tell us, ‘Who can find a virtuous woman? Her worth is far above rubies.’ That word virtuous has been translated wrong. A lot of times, it’s translated as pure, undefiled, innocent. However, when you look at the root word of that or the original meaning, it is talking about strength, a woman of strength.

In a closer examination of the attribute or character of the Proverbs 31 Woman, we see all the things she does. ‘Oh, she’s praised by her husband, the husband trusts her safely.’ ‘The children wake up and call her blessed; she’s thriving in the marketplace, doing all these great things, providing food for her household.’ The same word “virtuous” is saying a woman that is strengthened, that has the Lord of armies living inside her and surrounded. ‘This woman is a woman of strength.’ All through the Old Testament, that word always relates to the armies of God, talking about warriors; about men that are strengthened. The Bible is saying that woman, when you find her, her worth is far more than rubies.

Do not ever limit yourself to the, ‘Oh, I’m just a mother, or I’m just striving to go.’ You are much more than that in the eyes of God. You have the Lord of armies living inside of you and around you. You do not have to mother with fear and anxiety and worry. Who said that you must earn your mothering badge by worrying and having anxiety and all these cares? Under the new covenant, the woman is bold, with authority, and courageous. Psalm 111:2 says that blessed is the man that follows the commands of God; his seed is blessed, the seed of the Godly is blessed. Your seed is blessed. It’s not dependent on what you do or don’t do; it’s written in the word of God. Your seed is blessed. Any child that comes into your care is blessed.

It does not matter what comes against them. Praise the Lord. You are empowered; you’re strengthened. You are not ordinary; you have the very power of God, the Dunamis, the power of God living inside you. He will give you the wisdom; He will show you what to do. And you can stand assured and bold with all conviction and assurance that my children will grow up and they will fulfill the will of God for their lives. They will surround your tables and call you blessed!

Do not ever let anything or anyone pull you down. For centuries the enemy has come against women; come against mothers and done all manner of things. Even through scriptures; you see that it’s the enemy always coming against the woman because the enemy knows that a woman births not just physically but births the promises of God. I, therefore, urge you to stand firm in who you are. You may not be getting everything right today; that is fine. Your children belong to God; they are all in the hands of the Lord.

Do we now fold our arms because they are in the hands of the Lord? Of course not, we have our part to play. We have a duty and responsibility at the place of prayer. We are called to pray; we’re called to speak life and peace over them, even when they’re acting out of character. You speak the life of God over them. You declare ‘You’re a godly child; you’re a man of God; you will fulfill purpose in life.’ We condemn the act, but we never condemn the child.

In conclusion, aspiring mothers, future mothers and mothers of today, wherever you find yourself, whatever that looks like, stand in who you are in Christ Jesus. He will never fail you; His promises are forever. It is yes and amen. It is assured; it is done. We can rest in that, relax in that, and mother from a place of rest, not worry, anxiety, and fear.

Mothers, you are blessed. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.

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