Dead but Alive – Embracing the Resurrected Life in Christ

Discover your divine calling as a chosen people and royal priesthood, dedicated to offering spiritual sacrifices and declaring God’s praise.
Reflect the excellencies of God in your life for others to witness and give Him glory.
Gain knowledge and understanding through God’s word to manifest the new creation in Christ within you.

Understanding the Crucial Shift:
Grasp the truth that your old self has died, and you now live in Christ through faith in His redemptive work. Embrace the empowerment to live above sin and engage in good works as a new creation.

Union with Christ’s Death and Resurrection:
View yourself as dead to sin and alive to God in Christ, breaking free from the chains of sin.

Recognize that your union with Christ in His death and resurrection ensures your ultimate unity with Him in resurrection.

Hope in the Resurrection:
Find hope in the resurrection, driving you to purify yourself as Christ is pure.

As believers who have died with Christ, discover the assurance of being with God forever.

Empowered Living Through Christ:
Overcome challenges by acknowledging that it is Christ in you doing the work, not your own strength.

Understand that your sufficiency comes from God, allowing you to achieve beyond your own abilities.

Closing Prayer and Empowerment:
Lead a powerful prayer, affirming the death of the old self and the vibrant life of Christ within believers. Encourage decisions and confidence to flow from this profound understanding.

Experience the Resurrected Life: Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the resurrection and its transformative impact on your life. Join us for a soul-stirring sermon that will equip you to live a life dead to sin but fully alive in Christ!

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