Influence of the Holy Spirit – Leading of the Holy Spirit

John 16:7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

One of the benefits of the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit directs believers in what, how, and when to act, ensuring they follow God’s path (John 14:15-19) He constantly leads us into all truth. The believer has the Holy Spirit and can navigate life properly; being in step with the Spirit of God within.

Importance of Leading:

  1. Timing – The difference between where you are and where you need to be is right timing. Timing is very important. The Holy Spirit in us ensures actions are taken at the right moment, crucial for success and safety.
  2. Avoiding Stray Paths and Course Corrections – We are like sheep which means we can be on the right path but after sometime start to take a different direction. Because the Spirit leads us always, He is able to navigate us back to the path we are supposed to follow and keep us there.
  3. Understanding God’s Will – Believers seek the Spirit’s guidance to align with God’s plan (Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 5:17-18). We must understand exactly what God wants us to do and be influenced by the Spirit.
  4. Avoiding Pitfalls – There are dangers in this world because it is fallen but in God’s book our days have been written (Psalm 139:16). They are different and unique to each person. There are warnings the Holy Spirit gives and it is important to follow that instruction because it is safety.

Important Facts about the Holy Spirit:

  1. The indwelling Spirit of God in Believers – Romans 8:9 Everyone that is born again has the Spirit of God and is led by God Romans 8:14 God doesn’t lead a few people but it is the natural habitat of the believer to be led by the Holy Spirit. The believer knows the voice of the Spirit.
  2. Continuous Leading – It is not big events that make us but the little steps. The Holy Spirit leads us always. It is a lifestyle. The Holy Spirit leads us little by little. Don’t wait for the big decisions. Pay attention to the leading of the Spirit always.
  3. Complete Submission – We must follow completely and not partially. We want to submit to the leading of the Spirit more than our nature, culture, tradition or what everyone else tells us. Refusing to follow God is pride. We must get to the point that we follow, believing His will is perfect for us.
  4. Non-Robotic Leading – It is submitting our will to the will of God knowing His will is better than ours. The other part is that we are so interwoven to God that we have intimate knowledge of His will per time and we know exactly what He wants us to do. It is alignment.
  5. Lifetime Guidance – we don’t outgrow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We don’t get so spiritual that we no longer need His leading (Proverbs 3:5-6) in all things, the leading is constant in us.

How God Leads:

  1. Still Small Voice – it is real but not constant.
  2. Inner Witness – (Romans 8:16) something within tells us to do something or act.
  3. Growing Desire – (Phil 2:13) it is a sudden desire growing from within. A development to do something.
  4. The Word of God – it is the common and general way for all believers. In this dispensation (Hebrews 1:1-3) God speaks to us by his Son – the Word. It means that the Holy Spirit takes off the Word and declares the Word to us. The Word of God must be the primary method to be led by the Spirit. The leading of God is the leading of the Holy Spirit and a guide to light our feet (Psalm 119:105). The Word directs, corrects, teaches and aligns us in the right way (2 Timothy 3:16-17) . There is safety in counsel (Proverbs 11:14) and the Word of God is our counsel. When we spend time renewing our mind, we know exactly what God’s will is (Romans 12:1-2).

Evidence of Being Led by the Spirit:

  1. Scriptural Alignment – Our life is aligned with the principles of scriptures. When we live our everyday lives in Christ not just in decisions.
  2. Elimination of Fleshly and Destructive Tendencies – When we walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-21), we avoid sinful behaviors. We understand God’s will for us perfectly. When you are not living by the Spirit, the works of the flesh are evident.
  3. Character Development – The Holy Spirit develops the fruit of the Spirit in us. He ensures we are doing and saying the right things to arrive safely where God wants to be (Galatians 5:24). When we follow the Word of God and allow it to show in our everyday lives, we are being led by the Spirit.

Conclusion: God’s Word will bring us to our destination by simply following the Word (Galatians 5:25). Continuous reading, studying, meditating and following God ensures our profiting and flourishing with time (1 Timothy 4:15).

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