How To Slap A Demon

In this world, we must know how to engage and thrive amidst the forces that contest for the power of God in life. One of the forces that works actively against God’s agenda is demons. The Bible describes demons as evil forces in the world and as believers, we must understand their operations and know how to counter them. God delivered us from those forces, took us to a higher place and has now given us the enablement, ability and power to deliver others or handle any situation in life (Colossians 1:13). We have received the power freely to cast out demons, and indeed, we freely cast out demons (Matthew 10:8). At the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. We have been given a name above every other name. We must accept and acknowledge that we have the power to cast out demons.

You must acknowledge that you have the power to disrupt the operations of the demons, and you must expect them to obey. We have many tools at our disposal: casting out, resisting; other times, we employ effectual fervent prayer (James 5:16). When a righteous man begins to pray, we release power, making the evil spirit in that territory uncomfortable. When faced with situations, we confront them with the power of God.

 As believers, we must be able to discern the operations of the devil. One of the tactics demons employ is to snatch away God’s words sewn into people’s lives, rendering them ineffective. For instance, someone might be in church during a powerful word ministration and be preoccupied with their mobile phone. It takes discernment to recognize that this is an operation of the demon

In the corridors of power, the operations of demons are subtle. Ephesians 6 talks about the schemes of the devil. Before Jesus came, people did not understand the operations of the devil. However, when Jesus came, he began to unmask the devil’s operations, as seen in the account of the woman with an infirmity for 18 years, recorded in Luke 13:11-16. Jesus laid his hands on the woman physically, but spiritually, he confronted and defeated the demon, instantly making the woman whole. Jesus was even accused of healing the woman on a Sabbath day, which is also a symptom of a demonic operation. Another scenario is the case of Peter, recorded in Matthew 16:13-17. Jesus asked the disciples, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Peter gave a perfect response: ‘You are the Christ, the son of the living God.

Further down, recorded in the same Matthew 16:21-23, we observe Peter attempting to dissuade Jesus from His divine mandate, which He shared with them. Jesus, however, discerned the spirit in operation and rebuked the devil. Hence, we must learn to discern correctly at all times. When God is leading you through a narrow path, demons suggest alternatives or options that may seem more enticing. Every spirit of compromise is of the devil. We must be sensitive to test all spirits and determine if they are of God or not.

Another operation of demons is that they make you mindful of the things of men rather than the things of God. This is evident in the various agendas and legislations being passed today that are anti-Christ. These are demons in operation, and we must learn to cast them out. Therefore, there is a need for believers to be positioned in corridors of power to challenge and only uphold legislations that are pro-Christ (Acts 13:8).

A sudden increase in the number of people who no longer believe in Christ is a typical example of the operation of demons; people are no longer interested in hearing about Christ. We have left a place for demons to operate and we must pray and take over territories, binding every operation of the demon (Acts 16:8). The church is meant to be the pillar and ground of truth, a place of prayer. When we begin to see services tailored to appeal to people’s feelings or make them happy, it’s the activity of demons (1 Timothy 4:1). In the last days, demons will be teaching, and we hear everything except Christ being taught (2 Timothy 4:3)

We must intensify our prayers for our children. Today, numerous contents on the internet are targeted against their minds and we must contend earnestly for their lives. Parents need to be careful about how they raise children in this generation because the devil is cunning in his schemes. Sometimes, in an attempt to correct children and lead them to Christ, we might unintentionally push them away. Parents must know how to be strict and at the same time show them love. Correction should always be done in love.

Another operation of the devil is the constant attack on the ministers of the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:18). We must continually pray for them. In 2 Thessalonians 3:1, Peter urges believers to pray that the message of the Lord spreads rapidly and is honored, also praying for deliverance from the hand of wicked and unreasonable men. The responsibility rests with us as we pray for the gospel of Christ to continually prosper and reach far and wide.

In conclusion, the mandate of the kingdom is for everyone. We must join hands together to fight against the demons and every spirit of the antichrist that makes a mockery of the gospel of Christ. We must discern demons, resist them and engage in effective, fervent spiritual prayer. We pray until things begin to shift in the realms of the spirit.

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