John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
It’s very easy to accept what is abnormal as normal. In our society, working back-to-back shifts is often seen as standard, but that was never God’s intention for us. What we often accept as “normal” is far from the life God planned. It is crucial to understand God’s purpose for our lives.
Jesus came to give us life—and life abundantly. God’s original design was for us to live in peace and abundance. Before humanity fell into sin, God provided everything we needed. There was no lack, suffering, or sickness. Work existed, but it was fulfilling, not burdensome. The struggles we face today are the result of sin. Sin introduced hustling and hardship, but the life God created for us was one of abundance and increase.
Through Christ, we are restored to the life God intended from the beginning. Anyone who receives Jesus receives this abundant life. It is the life of God’s original plan, a life that restores us to His blessings. It is possible to live in the fullness of God’s best for us.
Proverbs 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Reflect on your life and ask: Am I living God’s best? Am I experiencing the life He designed for me? When you align your mindset with God’s Word, you will begin to walk in the direction of His promises.
If what God says is true, then abundant life is already ours. We must believe in God’s promises and reject anything less as abnormal. While life may have seasons, we should never accept lack or struggle as permanent. God’s plan is one of abundance and rest, and we must choose to accept it.
Everyone who believes in Christ has entered into God’s rest. The struggles the world endures because of sin are overcome for the believer through Christ.
Embracing God’s Abundant Life
Ask yourself: What is the life God made for me? Understanding scripture helps clarify this. Look at the Garden of Eden before sin entered the world. That was God’s perfect plan—no lack, no sickness, no suffering. Work existed, but it was fruitful and rewarding. Anything that robs you of joy and peace is not from God but from the enemy.
As we step into this New Year, refuse to accept the abnormal as the norm. If any part of your life does not align with God’s plan of abundance, resist it with all your might.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
We are to cast down every argument and thought that opposes God’s Word. Train your mind to accept only God’s best. Replace thoughts of lack, sickness, and fear with the truth of His promises. Confess His Word over your life. Your heart and your words must align. Fill your heart with God’s Word so you can speak in agreement with Him.
Luke 6:45 Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
What you dwell on in your heart will manifest in your life.
Proverbs 4:20-24 highlights the importance of engaging with God’s Word—it is the key to living the life He designed for you. You cannot grow beyond the capacity of your heart. Guard your heart by being selective about what you watch, listen to, and meditate on. Wrong influences will bear fruit, just as right ones will.
Speak the right things. Even in casual conversation, avoid negative words. Acknowledge your challenges, but declare God’s truth and promises over them. Paint a picture of God’s abundance with your words.
Everything God created, He spoke into existence. Speaking is the first step in creating change. Don’t just describe your circumstances—declare what you want to see.
To live the life God has for you, control your tongue. Your words shape your reality. As Proverbs 18:21 says, “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” Speak life, abundance, and restoration. Listen to God’s Word, believe it, and practice it. Don’t waste time worrying about “how”—just speak in faith that you already have what God has promised.